Group to Save Goldsmith Inlet

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Watershed Watch

The Goldsmith Inlet – Watershed Watch has been implemented to help educate neighbors and visitors about environmental, health and safety practices. Since 2009, Homeowner Tips (below) have been distributed to more than 2,000 residences. Other issues including parking, shellfishing and littering are addressed on an ongoing basis.

Tips to improve the health of Goldsmith Inlet

  • Reduce or eliminate pesticide and fertilizer use. Pesticides kill pond life; fertilizers cause algae blooms that choke oxygen levels. Low oxygen kills wildlife.
  • Switch to phosphorus-free laundry detergent. Phosphorous causes algae blooms that choke oxygen levels.
  • Pick up after your pets. The nitrogen in dog poop also causes algae blooms. Don't feed waterfowl, their poop can't be scooped.
  • Keep septic tanks maintained properly. Septic leaks can cause the lethal bacteria E. coli to leak into the water and cause beach closures.
  • Allow small riparian zones in your garden/lawn. Allow native plants to grow to better filter pollutants out of the water. Plant rain gardens for storm water runoff.
  • Do not plant non-native species of plants. Stop this to prevent invasive species from taking over. Native plants require less water.
  • Don't litter. Litter harms the water and the animals that live in and around it.
  • Don't wash cars in driveways or on lawns. The runoff increases algae growth.
  • Maintain lawn mowers and cars to prevent oil or gas spills. Spills kill the plants and animals in the water and can make the water unsafe to swim in.
  • Install gutters and drywells. Control storm water runoff from roofs.

Jim Ochterski, et al. (2007), The Pond Guidebook. (NRAES). Cornell Cooperative Extension, Ithaca, New York 

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